OSA Gift Membership  |  View in Browser
One Membership.
Infinite Possibilities.
Gift a new membership to a colleague, graduate or mentee of your choice.


Dear NAME,

As we celebrate a century of inspiration and innovation driven by thousands of scientists, students, engineers and business leaders—like you—we’re showing our appreciation by offering you the opportunity to gift a complimentary new Annual Individual or Recent Graduate Membership.

Over the years you’ve shown just how much you value OSA; now is your chance to share the many benefits and rewards with the recipient of your choice and to help them get the very most out of their new membership. Perhaps you’ll serve as an informal guide to them, introduce them to peers or attend conferences together. The possibilities are yours to explore.

Get started by confirming that your intended recipient isn’t already a member by searching the OSA Member Directory. Next, forward this email to your recipient letting them know that you’ve chosen them and we’ll do the rest.


2016 OSA President

An OSA Membership is an investment in the future, with benefits that can last your whole entire career.

An OSA Membership provides exclusive access to an unparalleled professional network of 19,275 members, cutting-edge information, and valuable resources to enhance your career.

Start with a searchable member directory that provides 19,275 opportunities for new connections. Attend meetings and conferences, volunteer for leadership roles on OSA committees, or join up to five technical groups.

Members benefit from subscriptions to Optics & Photonics News and Physics Today; 50 downloads from OSA Publishing (with over 300,000 articles); exclusive presentations and papers from influential science and industry leaders; and substantial discounts on conferences and meetings around the world.

In addition to substantial discounts on high impact journals and technical books, OSA Members receive exclusive grants, awards and fellowships along with leadership opportunities within the largest optics and photonics association in the world.

800.766.4672 (US/Canada)
+1 202.416.1907 (Worldwide)

OSA customer service is offered weekdays, 07:30 to 18:00 (EST).

Offer valid from 1 February to 31 August 2016. Gift membership is open to any professional who is not currently an OSA Member, and who qualifies at the Individual level. Gift membership offers identical benefits and opportunities as paid membership. Membership duration is one full year from the date of recipient joining OSA.


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