Hyperspectral Imaging for Safety and Security

Valerie C. Coffey

Advances in data management and component fabrication have made hyperspectral imaging viable in applications ranging from food inspection to pathogen detection to airport security and more... Continue Reading


Soap and light in the garden
Soap and light in the garden
OSA is the leading professional society in optics and photonics. Quality information and inspiring interactions through publications, meetings, and membership.

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The Optical Society Celebrates Optica’s Successful First Year

31 August 2015
Optica, The Optical Society’s newest journal, dedicated to rapidly disseminating the highest impact peer-reviewed research across the entire spectr...

The Optical Society Celebrates Optica’s Successful First Year

OSA’s Photobiomodulation Incubator: Articulating a Common Mission for Today’s Research

31 August 2015
The Optical Society (OSA) is hosting a follow-up Incubator to last year’s meeting on September 1-2, 2015. This meeting will bring together researc...

OSA’s Photobiomodulation Incubator: Articulating a Common Mission for Today’s Research

International Year of Light Comes to Washington D.C. on September 12th

26 August 2015
Two-day event will feature the latest in light-based technologies as well as leading scientists and educators to promote improved public understand...

International Year of Light Comes to Washington D.C. on September 12th
Recently Published

Analysis of the multi-spectral inhomogeneous metasurfaces consisting of different arrays of components

Optics Letters, Vol. 40 Issue 23, pp.5666-5669 (2015)
The analytical method to study the multi-spectral inhomogeneous metasurfaces with various components is presented. Because of symmetrical distribut...

Laser speckle imaging of intra organ drug distribution

Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 6 Issue 12, pp.5055-5062 (2015)
Laminar flow in arteries causes streaming and uneven distribution of infused agents within the organ. This may lead to misinterpretation of experim...

Microstructural modifications of ceramic waste forms using femtosecond pulse laser

Optical Materials Express, Vol. 5 Issue 12, pp.2941-2950 (2015)
Femtosecond laser of pulse width ~40 fs and 800 nm wavelength with a pulse energy output ~500nJ is used to modify the microstructures of ceramic wa...

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University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

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Washington, USA

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, Sunnyvale, USA

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Hilton Long Beach, Long Beach, USA

20 March 2016

Hilton Long Beach, Long Beach, USA

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